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Summer Refresh

Don’t you love when things get a refresh? Whether it’s your home, your studio or organizing files, paperwork and information it’s a great feeling. Here’s my list of five things that studio owners can refresh during the summer.

Refresh your website

Take a look at your site and jot down a few changes that need to be done. Consider subtle changes in the colors and also the text. Make sure all of your links still work, you update photos and any class information that may have changed. While you were at it, double check, everything that has a date on it so that you don’t have outdated information, especially references to seasonal items, I can’t believe how many studios still say that they are registering for the previous fall in the middle of Spring!

Refresh position descriptions for your staff and volunteers

All of your office staff and any management level staff members are likely doing more or

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different tasks that are listed on their position description. This is a great opportunity to make sure that the position description actually matches what you need them to do and what they are actually responsible for. You should also look at what your faculty position descriptions include, and make sure that it matches your expectations as this might have changed over the years.

Refresh your own responsibilities

It’s definitely time for you to sit down and write a list of all the things that you do within the studio that you don’t need to be doing, don’t want to be doing, or somebody else can do a better job at. I guarantee there’s at least five things that you can delegate to someone else or train someone to take over in the coming months. Now, once you delegate and remove responsibilities from yourself, don’t rush to fill it in with something else, instead, leave yourself some white space so that you can be creative and well rested. Always think of your business as needing a succession plan regardless of whether or not, you want to retire in the near future. By using this approach, you ensure that you are not stuck with only one person knowing how to do any one process.

Refresh your office environment

Go through all of your files, folders desk, drawers, and countertop space and make sure that it feels neat and organized.

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Consider a fresh coat of paint and get rid of scratches, dents and dings. File, trash or recycle old paperwork, receipts, invoices and catalogs. And, lets be honest, you probably don’t need to run out and buy new office organization do-dads and pretty things from the store. Most people need to get rid of things rather than try to organize and store an over abundance of things that will never be used. Also - decide what can be kept at the studio and what should be in your home office. And, if your office is simply your laptop on your bed - there’s things you can do too! Perhaps a lapdesk will make things easier for writing or keeping the laptop level. Maybe  a new dimmable light will help, or perhaps a USB dongle to attach peripherals would help.

Refresh your shoes

We spend a lot of time on our feet and we should treat them right! When is the last time you updated your dance shoes? A few years ago I remember my legs feeling so sore and I remembered that my tap shoes were from 2006 - well that was over ten years ago! I bought a new pair of shoes and they made all the difference. I also upgraded to more supportive, better cushioned shoes and stopped teaching in ballet shoes. And, for when you’re out an about - consider the shoes you wear for leisure or business - do they make you feel good or do they need to go?

Refresh your Vision and Goals

Take time this summer to dream up the vision for your business. Where do you want

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to be this time next year, and 3 years from now? How many classes do you wish to teach? How many direct reports would you like to manage? What programs would you like to retire? What new things would you like implemented? How many hours do you want to work - and what staff might need to be trained to make this a reality? What financial or personal goals do you have for yourself? By taking the time to not only think about these items but to written them down or type them up, it starts to become real and you can begin to make your plans to align your vision.

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Ginger Haithcox is a born leader. She graduated with high honors from Douglass College, Rutgers University with a BA in Religion, and a minor in Cultural Anthropology and completed an array of dance, performance, and production courses at Raritan Valley Community College.

Ginger is a consummate professional, collaborative team player, and creative colleague that consistently delivers programs and products of excellence. In addition to the above, she’s the principal owner of Haithcox Business Solutions, which offers mentoring and support services for aspiring entrepreneurs.

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