One More Push

There is a well-known phrase “write what you know”. Here is what I know right now. I have been struggling with inspiration and motivation lately. Anyone else? I have been trying to figure out why I am feeling this way. The past few weeks it feels that I really must push to get creative, to sit down and do the work. I have concluded that this feeling is due to the fact that we are all pushing to get to the end and reach the summit. The end of the season. The end of competitions. The end of costumes. Our creative juices have been pushed to the limit by this time of year.
We have been choreographing, editing music, choosing or creating costumes, creating next season’s schedule, creating new classes and programs to keep the studio fresh. Not to mention being creative at home. Meal planning, family outings, date nights, budgeting and on and on. It is no wonder some of us might be experiencing a loss of creative chi.What to do, what to do?
I suppose this is where we have to trust ourselves. Have confidence in knowing that we can push through these times, but also allow ourselves the grace to step away from the computer for a day. Allow ourselves time to refuel and remember what helps us refuel.
We all KNOW what makes us function at our best but speaking from personal experience, when I am feeling a lack of creativity and motivation, I take a look at how I am treating myself. Typically, in times of low energy I have not been supplying my physical needs properly. I will eat poorly, stay up too late and find excuses not to workout. Honestly, three daily habits that really should not be that hard to achieve but for some reason so easy to fall to the wayside.
If any of this resonates with you? I propose we make a personal pact for the remainder of our season. See how it affects your work. Did your creative juices start flowing again? Remember, creative juices are not just for choreography. Entrepreneurs need it every day.
PERSONAL PACT #1 - Meal plan and eat better
- Eat better - (notice I said eat better not eat right) We all require different foods to boost us and we all know what foods drain us. When I take a few minutes at the start of the week to meal plan I will eat better. Not perfect but it curbs the impulse to grab what is quick and generally not the best option. I feel for you if you have a young family. It is much more challenging but not impossible. My family is grown so I know if they don’t eat what I prepare they won’t go hungry. Now actually write it down, don't just think about it.
PERSONAL PACT #2 - Get to the gym 4-5 times a week. Cardio and weights. Daily walk outside.
- Exercise - and I don’t mean teaching. When we teach, we are not truly exercising for ourselves. We are watching students, stopping and starting, it’s just not the same. Whatever exercise is for you outside of teaching. A walk outside, visit the gym, bike ride, hike, jog, yoga, Pilates. There are lots of options. Something that works your muscles, gets your heart pumping and oxygen flowing.
PERSONAL PACT #3 - Get to bed. I only teach one night a week and I get home by 10:30. That will be my latest night. Every other night I will aim to be in bed by 11:00 pm or earlier.
- Get to bed! - We are so good at saying that to our children but not ourselves. Binge watching something on Netflix until the wee hours of the morning is not putting ourselves first. If you get home from teaching late, try and have a somewhat healthy snack ready for you when you arrive, unwind for an hour and get to bed. Avoid scrolling social media for mind numbing hours and no matter what don’t dive into your emails. Seriously, what email needs to be addressed at that time of night? One of two things happens when we do this. We want to know all's right with the world OR we want to know if there is a problem which will only keep your brain spinning all night resulting in poor sleep.
I hope you join me in making your pacts to yourself. Maybe they need to be different from mine. These are the things that I know for certain make me function at my best. When I am at my best I have energy, joy, and creativity. I have more of myself to give to others and they get the best version of me. Especially my family.
Happy planning and good luck to you. I hope you have a terrific conclusion to your season full of energy, joy and creativity.
If you have read to the end of this blog and you have no idea what I am talking about, cheers to you! Share with the rest of us that struggle with the ebb and flow of life.
Thank you for your inspiration! These are all basic things I know to do, but get caught up in the everyday tasks and need to be reminded to keep doing them. For me a walk in nature works miracles.