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4-Part Series for ALL Dance Entrepreneurs

The Pathway to Profit


All good decisions start with clarity. This foundational framework will help you gain momentum and confidently decide to move your business ahead…. in the right direction! Understanding your Promise, Product, Process, People, and Profit are instrumental in turning your wants for your business (and life) into wins! It’s time to turn your frustrations into freedoms! These sessions will focus on: strategy, mission, vision, decision making, communication, and accountability.

Who is Pete Mohr?

Pete Mohr helps entrepreneurs transform their frustrations into freedoms by using a variety of frameworks that help them cut through the chaos and overwhelm of running a business. With over 27 years as a business owner, he's refined many of his tips, tools, and techniques in the trenches within his own businesses. Pete started coaching others in business because of his belief that, ‘You own your business; it shouldn't own you’. It's time to start using frameworks that allow you to have a turnkey business so that you can live the life you deserve!

ONLY $79

Communicating Your Promise

Lesson 1

It all starts with your promise. This session will go through a simple formula to create the language around it, so that you can communicate your promise with ease (and your team will be able to as well). Whether you're starting a new program or need to revamp your promise for your studio's mission, having full clarity will give you the confidence to move ahead!

The Perfect People

Lesson 3

People.... they can be your biggest frustration or greatest joy, Either way, they most certainly will be the only way you'll achieve more freedom! We'll dig into better understanding your customers, studio team and suppliers, so that you can better attract the right ones, and repel those who don't fit.

It's Time to Align

Lesson 2

With the promise clarified, it's time to align your product (or service offering) and your processes. Are you offering the right programs to fullfill your promise? Are your processes up to par? This session will encourage and lead to some deep thought and strategy around the mechanics of your business.

The Profit Maximizer

Lesson 4

When the work has been done with the first 4 P's (promise, product, processes and people) the profit starts coming into focus in a much bigger way! It's more than just the dollars and cents... Do you want more time, better relationships, to improve your health..... These are all tied to the amount of money your business makes. You own your business, but it shouldn't own you. Now that there's more money in your business, what do you want to do with it? In addition to profit, this session will explore the freedom that comes with it

  • Includes links to resources & handouts for each lesson!