4-Part Series for the Studio Owner
Marketing Bootcamp available on demand
Social media and web marketing are the lifeblood of promoting the mission and services of a dance studio, but the job of making it happen can be daunting. Join marketing and branding professional, Jennifer Randall, for a 4-week study on the what, how and why of your studio promotion. Jennifer will bring a hands-on approach to better understanding what systems and tools will help you to market your dance school in a better, more organized way. You will leave each week with realized marketing materials and a plan of action to implement them.
ONLY $79
Your Socials: Past, Present, & Future
Lesson 1
This session will begin with planning out what each of your social media platforms are going to be used for, along with talking the legwork needed to set that up. We will identify the systems you are already using, and ask the important questions: “Are they working for you?” and “Is it time to switch it up or do you need to just dive in and fully commit?” The session will conclude with taking a quick look at the next 3 months and what is going on in your studio to understand what, if any, needs to be advertised, boosted, designed and scheduled.
Creating Intent & Purpose
Lesson 2
In this session, time will be dedicated to optimizing all the new Facebook Page and Business Suite features to showcase your studio, your culture and help with gathering leads to grow interest and boost enrollment. We will work together to create an Instagram strategy to get your studio brand that feels good to you and is simple and sustainable (essential to marketing success) in front of more of your ideal students/parents.
Streamlined Social Systems
Lesson 3
With literally thousands of marketing and design tools available, knowing what is easy and efficient is so important. Together we will work on taking your system from “Content Collection” to “Design/Create” to “Ready to Schedule.” We will tackle setting up Google Doc/Dropbox for content collection along with connecting that to Canva so we can better streamline your design and posting processes and save you valuable time. Video tutorials and Canva templates will be shared with attendees to spark the process.
Getting Ahead: Your 3-Month Vision
Lesson 4
Our final sessions is dedicated to diving into what is going on in your studio: programs, events, and any behind the scenes projects that will need content for your social media system. After organizing and identifying the upcoming months at your studio , we will collaborate on including any and all posts and ads that need to be created, along with identifying the posts that would most benefit from an investment in paid advertisement and boosting.
- BONUS: for those who attend live, you will have the opportunity to take part in a 15 min. Q & A following each Marketing Bootcamp session!
- Includes links to resources that will allow you to bring staff success into your classes, as well as handouts for each lesson!