4-Part Series for ALL Dance Educators
Acro Curriculum for Minis & Juniors
Join four, highly sought members of the Acrobatic Arts faculty for a comprehensive dive into acro curriculum for Minis and Juniors. This course will provide a solid foundation of the basics needed to develop or enhance the acro curriculum in your studio for the most important and profitable age groups! Teachers will leave ready to implement proven techniques and new ideas, right away, in their classrooms.
ONLY $79
Flexibility / Strength with Kate Evans
Session 1
In this session, focus is given to the foundation to all acrobatics: strength and flexibility. For junior students, this section makes up the bulk of their class time. This will be a jam-packed class full of drills and skills to keep your acro dancers engaged, having fun, and building their strength and flexibility balance to lay the foundations to develop their skills in the years to come!
Limbering with Drew Burgess
Session 3
The third session covers safe and effective limbering technique in AcroDance. Teachers will be exposed to a range of skills and drills leading up to front & back limber and beyond. Strength, flexibility, and balancing make this limbering recipe a success. Come for the cobra, stay for the chest rolls!
Tumbling w/ Sarah Reis
Session 2
In this second session, Sarah Reis introduces foundational skills for teaching tumbling to junior level dancers. The skills covered are targeted toward dancers 9-12 years of age. Each skill is presented, analyzed and broken down into phases, while technical details are considered. Errors are addressed, and a variety of drills are explored which are designed to target commonly seen mistakes. The differences between training dancers to tumble on a sprung floor versus tumbling on a stage are also considered This session will help teachers refine a strong foundational knowledge of introductory tumbling.
Balancing & Partnering w/ Trish Thompson-Creamer
Session 4
Trish Thompson-Creamer and her amazing dancers demonstrate an awesome class, packed full of balancing drills and skills, including headstands, handstands and more. Focus is given to ideas which will keep your mini and junior classes fun along with beginner partnering tricks that will challenge your dancers and delight audiences!
- Includes links to resources & handouts for each lesson!