4-Part Series for the Dance Teacher
Technical Exploration of the Classics available on demand
Take a dive & immerse yourself into four separate sessions of whole-body movement in multiple genres of technical dance. Each session focuses on one genre: ballet, jazz, tap, & then finishing with acrobatics. This seminar will provide a wide range of ideas with warm-ups, patterns, rudiments, fundamentals, progressions, across the floor, & so much more. Geared towards teaching beginners all the way up to advanced level dancers, this seminar will be beneficial to ALL educators & studio owners in the dance industry.
Unlimited on demand access
ONLY $79
Technical Exploration of the Classics Lesson 1
LIVE: 2/3 (11-12:15 PM)
On-Demand begins 2/4
In this session, we will focus on learning & mastering the seven movements of dance, shaping & stretching the feet, accessing turnout, and how to make Ballet classes “user friendly” & fun. This particular session will also cater to the “jazzerina”, emphasizing how important Ballet is for the jazz/tap dancers in your weekly classes.
Technical Exploration of the Classics Lesson 2
LIVE: 2/10 (11-12:15 PM)
On-Demand begins 2/11
Piggy backing off of Ballet, the second session will focus solely on Jazz. We will cover a full warm-up, progressions for pas de bourree & pirouettes, battements, leaps & much, much more! Be sure to tune into the prior session of Ballet, so we can really fine tune, enhance & maximize your students full technical dance potential.
Technical Exploration of the Classics Lesson 3
LIVE: 2/17 (11-12:15 PM)
On-Demand begins 2/18
Combining the core strength from Jazz & Ballet, our Tap session will focus on basic rudiments & FUN brain-teasers for all ages & levels. With an emphasis on Standard & Buck time steps & pullbacks, pickups, grab-offs; we will also breakdown HOW to easily teach tap turns like cramproll, Buffalo & Maxie Ford.
Technical Exploration of the Classics Lesson 4
LIVE: 2/24 (11-12:15 PM)
On-Demand begins 2/25
In the fourth & final session, we will encompass the whole body into an Acrobatics class for multi-levels/ages. We will create foundational skills like splits, rolls, handstands, bridges & cartwheels. We will also build up to front & back walkovers, variations, & spotting for basic to advanced skills. This class will cover all five elements of AcroDance: strength, flexibility, balancing, limbering, and tumbling.
Includes handouts for each lesson that will help you bring each session into your classroom!