
6 Ways to Combat Spring Fever

As spring rolls in, so does the challenge of keeping dancers engaged and focused. The change in weather and the proximity to the end of the school year can make...

The Beauty of the Slow Burn in Teaching and Entrepreneurship

In our fast-paced world, and especially in dance education, there is almost a pressure to see immediate results-whether it's becoming an award-winning choreographer, growing enrollment, or launching innovative programs. Yet,...

Preschool Recital Success: The Backstage Experience

For little ones, the recital can be a scary situation. Think about it…We're in a new space, with new people, in an uncomfortable costume, away from our grownup. That's a...

Embracing the Season: Reflections for Dance Teachers

In the whirlwind of recitals, competitions, and summer prep, it's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. Today, I ask you to pause and reflect on the incredible journey...

Leaps and Bounds Above the Other 4-Year-Olds

by Rhee Gold Hi Rhee, I am a dance teacher/studio owner, and I have come across the most persistent parents I have ever met in all my years of teaching...

Special Needs Teaching Advice

by Tricia Gomez Finding the Just-Right Challenge We’ve all experienced walking into a dance class as a student and finding it beyond our understanding or abilities. Maybe the teacher teaches...

Dance Teachers Are Special People

by Rhee Gold How long has it been since you caught your reflection in the mirror and thought about how happy you are just to be you? Do you ever...

You Are You

Don't look at other teachers or studio owners and believe that you would be happy if you had what they have. It's not true! Be happy because you are you....

Your Commitment

No worries, someone may attempt to duplicate your concept, but they can't duplicate your personality or your commitment. Stay focused on what you must do. ~Rhee Gold

Opportunity to Discover

In every circumstance there is a lesson to be learned; sometimes it is the opportunity to discover who and what we should never be. ~Rhee Gold

Every Minute

Time is a gift, what we do with it is our choice. Being part of the gossip about the teacher or school up the street isn’t helping us progress. Every...

Some Kids

Some kids are at the dance studio all day. Some kids are hanging out all day. Some parents spend hours driving their kids to everything dance. Some parents spend hours...

Learning and Evolving

We will always be mediocre if we don't expose ourselves to others who may be better or different than we are. Growing, learning, and evolving is what the dance life...

Don’t Make Exceptions

When a mom or a student challenges your policies, don’t make exceptions even if it means that you lose the student. You have created a philosophy for how you want...

Pure Joy

The music, the movement, the pure joy radiating from the soul; that is dance. ~Rhee Gold

Genius Choreography

Create choreographic works where the audience cannot determine the difference between the strongest and the not as strong dancers because of your genius choreography. ~Rhee Gold

Too Busy

Success doesn't happen as a result of bringing someone else down. It comes to those who are too busy to think about what others are up to. ~Rhee Gold

Number of Souls

Great dance is not about the awards won. Great dance is when an audience is moved. If you happen to win an award along the way; well good for you....

Lose Yourself

When you head into that classroom, know that you have the chance to lose yourself in the music, the movement and the knowledge that you are passing on your passion...

If You Hear

If you hear someone speak negatively about their friend or family; think about what they might say about you before you jump on their bandwagon. ~Rhee Gold

Sunny Side

In order to get to the sunny side of life, we need to be less frightened of the gray. I think that’s where all the surprises are! ~Rhee Gold

True Calling

Later we realize that the roadblock was just the distraction that we needed to accomplish our true calling. ~Rhee Gold

Dance is a Passion

Dance is a passion, not a competition. ~Rhee Gold

It’s Not About The Tricks

Dance is not about the number of pirouettes or other "tricks" that you can do. Instead it's about the opportunity to move an audience as you express the emotions of...