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I will simply breathe.

I have a confession to make…as I sit here on Sunday evening, I have tremendous anxiety about my upcoming show.  Yep, the girl who always “has it all together” is fretting, screaming inside, and a little shaky.  I move into my theater in exactly one month, and I just don’t feel as read

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y as I usually do at this stage (theater pun intended).

I am fretting over my to-do list.  It’s long and detailed.  I am pretty good at delegating, and I have, but most of the remaining responsibilities and tasks are mine to complete.  I am evaluating all my classes and worrying that it won’t all come together.  I am looking at the recital guide I created and wonder how in the world I can make all the moving parts synchronize to form our usual big, amazing, smooth-running stage show machine.

I am fretting over my timetable.  Time is not on my side at this point, and all my waking hours must now be spent as efficiently and effectively as possible for maximum productivity.  It feels like recital weekend is coming at me like an express train, and I better be completely ready to hop aboard when it reaches my station.

I am fretting over my own abilities.  A mediocre work product is not my style, nor is poor preparation.  Whining is not becoming, nor does it solve anything.  I don’t usually let my insecurities show, nor do I wish to give in to them. 

Badly in need of a pick-me-up, a plan, a pep talk, I have swiped open my Pinterest app to one of my boards full of inspiring, encouraging memes I call “Faith, Hope & Reassurance”…and I already feel better.  Based on one little meme I had (thankfully!) hoarded for days like this, here’s my plan…

I will breathe.  I need to take a step back, rest my shoulders, let go of the tension, and

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take a deep breath. 

I will think of solutions.  How do you eat an elephant?  You take one bite at a time.  I am capable, creative, and resourceful, and I know I can get it done.

I will not let my worry control me.  Undue stress, excessive worry, and my constant quest for perfectionism will cripple my efforts.  I know better, and I must stay focused on my goals.

I will not let my stress level break me.  Overwhelming anxiety brings about actual pain in my neck and joints.  I don’t sleep well.  My breathing is shallow, and my heart rate stays high. Self-care is critical, and I can not neglect my own mental and physical health.

I will simply breathe, and it will be okay, because I don’t quit.  I am tough, resilient, and determined.  I know that making a concerted effort to breathe deeply, think clearly, and keep my perspective are all required to produce a successful, magical series of performances.

That tremendous anxiety I told you about is never easy to shake, but I’m glad I found this anchor.  Sometimes I need a little grounding, something to hang on to, to help me push forward.  I may even make this meme my phone’s lock screen and hang it on my bathroom mirror, so I can see it often as a reminder of what’s most important as I move everyday closer to showtime.  I hope it helps you, too.  We got this!  Breathe.

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Amanda Herring LOVES her job!  Owner of Center Stage Dance in Hernando, MS, she is passionate about sharing the love of dance while inspiring and encouraging everyone who walks through her door.  She loves BIG and has a heart for new dancers joining a class for the first time.  She takes pride in offering stellar service to dance families and specializes in efficiency, organization, fair policies, and strong communication.  Her shows are HUGE with plenty of lights, effects, and stagecraft.  Amanda wants her students to feel like they are a part of something big, and it is always her goal to bring more to class and to the stage than her audience is expecting.

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