Bettencourt, Gregory

Gregory Bettencourt is the Executive Director of the Rhee Gold Company and has worked for Rhee and his various interests for over 8 years. Greg has brought his knowledge in business and personnel management to Rhee Gold’s DanceLife and assists in the leadership of I.D.E.A., helping studio owners grow both personally and professionally.

Greg is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville and holds degrees in Philosophy and Theology. In addition, he has done graduate work in both fields and enjoys the continued challenge of being a life-long learner. In addition, Greg has honed his business knowledge through certifications from the American Marketing Association and Google Business and has a knack for organization and personnel management. While the dance industry was a new endeavor, over the past 8 years Greg has grown in his appreciation for and knowledge of the field and is always excited to share his own talents with those in the dance business world.