IDEA 2022 Regional Seminar - Facebook (1)

Dance Studio Owner Workshops brought to you by I.D.E.A.

Hello Dance Friends,

Consider this your personal invite to join fellow dance studio owners and their administrators for a special workshop focused on preparing your business for summer and fall success. There will be movement classes on Saturday evening and full day business intensive on Sunday! Join us to explore new opportunities to improve your bottom line, while enhancing your visibility within your community and beyond.

Please let me know if you have any questions ( I look forward to seeing you soon! Enjoy the journey--Rhee

IDEA 2022 Regional Seminar - Facebook (2)

March 12 & 13
Glassboro, NJ

FACULTY/SPEAKERS: Renee Celeste-Lira, Rhee Gold, Billy Griffin, Jennifer Randall & Michelle Soutier

The Dance Factory: Stacey Sanitate
111 E. High Street Glassboro NJ.


5:15 PM Registration (light snacks and beverages provided)
6:00 PM Preschool/Children’s: Renee Celeste-Lira
7:00 PM Musical Theater: Billy Griffin
8:00 PM Sip & Share Dance Chat


8:30 AM Registration (light snacks and beverages provided)
9:00 AM Marketing Bonanza: Jennifer Randall (3hr. Session)
NOTE: Attendees should bring laptop, access to Canva & studio logo. We will be creating marketing (and copy) from start to finish.
12:00 PM Motivation & I.D.E.A. Info Session: Rhee
1:00 PM Lunch
2-4 PM Maximizing Your Summer Income: Michelle Soutier (2hr. Session)
Attendees will explore traditional, unique and non-movement summer offerings that will produce new profits, and generate new leads for the Fall season. 
4-5 Studio Tour with Q&A Wrap-Up: Rhee

Courtyard by Marriott Glassboro - Rowan University
325 Rowan Blvd, Glassboro, NJ 08028
Phone: (856) 881-0048

Philadelphia International Airport

I.D.E.A. Members: $49
Non-Member $149